Mean Stack Developer Syllabus

MEAN Stack training by industry experts at keensmartz

Course Overview

  • KeenSmartz’s Angular training in will enable you to build dynamic, responsive and interactive web applications by mastering the concepts of Angular. Our Angular Training covers Angular concepts such as Angular Modules, Angular Components, Data binding, Angular Animations, Angular Forms, DOM manipulation using Directives and Pipes, Component interaction using Services and Dependency Injection (DI), Communicate with backend services over HTTP protocol, Perform Routing and Authentication with JWT plus. You can rely on Keensmartz for the best AngularJS Training Course in Chandigarh, Mohali.

  • After taking this course you’ll be able to fully take advantage of all those features and start developing awesome applications immediately. Get a very deep understanding of how to create Angular applications.

  • This course will teach you all the fundamentals about modules, directives, components, databinding, routing, HTTP access and much more! We will take a lot of deep dives and each section is backed up with a real project. All examples showcase the features Angular offers and how to apply them correctly.

Why Choose KeenSmartz

  • Hands-On Assignments For Each Module

  • At KeenSmartz, we offer the best Mean Stack training. We have an excellent network of working professional having over 10 years of experience working in Industry.

  • All our instructors are working in Top IT MNCs and have min 10 years of experience in Software Development Industry and Corporate Training.

  • KeenSmartz Training course is designed by industry experts and to incorporate the latest industry market requirements.

  • Real time hands on training with practical example

  • Get exposure on real time projects.

Angular JS

Module 1 – Getting Started with Angular
This module will introduce you to the basic constructs of web application development, MVC architecture, what is Angular and the differences between single and multiple page applications. You will also learn how to install Angular and make use of NPM packages.
•       Building Blocks of Web Application Development
•       Web Application Architecture
•       Introduction to Angular
•       Comparison between front-end tools
•       Angular Architecture
•       Building blocks of Angular
•     Angular Installation
•     Angular CLI
•     Angular CLI commands
•     Angular Modules and important configuration files in Angular
•       Installation of Node.js, Angular CLI and Visual Studio Code
•       Creating First Angular Application
•       How to run server
Module 2: Creating and Communicating Between Components
In this module, you will learn about Angular Components and how to create and call component along with bootstrap.
•     Angular Components
•     Creating A Component Through Angular CLI
•     Angular App Bootstrapping
•     Template and styles
•     Installing bootstrap to design application      
•     Component Interaction using @Input and @Output decorator
•       Usage of bootstrap and creation of component.
Module 3 – Routing and Navigating Pages

Learning Objective:
This module will introduce you to how to create routing, links and navigation.
•       Adding Multiple Pages to Your App
•     Adding Your First Route
•     Accessing Route Parameters
•     Linking to Routes
•     Navigating from Code
•       Usage of router outlet and router Link.
Module 4 – Pipes

Learning Objective:
This module will introduce you to the basic usage of pipes and creation of custom pipes.
•     Using Built-in Pipes
•     Creating a Custom Pipe
•     Sorting and Filtering Overview
•     Creating a Filtering Display
•     Filtering Data
•       Usage of pipes and creation of custom pipes
Module 5 – Exploring the New Template Syntax

Learning Objective:
This module will introduce you to usage of in-built directives, display data using loops along with hiding and showing content.
•     Interpolation, Property Bindings, and Expressions
•     Event Bindings and Statements
•     Repeating Data with ngFor
•     Hiding and Showing Content with ngIf
•     Hiding Content with the [Hidden] Binding•     Hiding and Showing Content with ngSwitch
•     Styling Components with ngClass
•     Styling Components with ngStyle
•       Usage of directives and styling component.
Module 6 – Creating Reusable Services

Learning Objective:
This module will introduce you to create a service and how you can reuse in different component.
•     Introduction
•     Why We Need Services and Dependency Injection
•     Creating Your First Service
•       Usage of service and understanding of DI and IOC.
Module 7 – Collecting Data with Forms and Validation

Learning Objective:
This module will introduce you to how to create a form and apply validation.
•     Introduction of forms
•     Creating Your First Template-based Form
•     Using the Data from Your Template-based Form•     Validating Template-based Form
•     Validating Reactive Forms
•       Usage of form and understanding of template / reactive form.
Module 8 – Dependency Injection

Learning Objective:
This module will introduce you to how to inject the dependency.
•     Using Third Party Global Services – The Problem
•     Angular Dependency Injection Lookup
•     Using the @Inject Decorator
•     The useClass ProviderHands-On:
•       Usage of @inject Decorator and benefit of DI. 
Module 9 – Communicating with the Server Using HTTP, Observables, and RxJS

Learning Objective:
This module will introduce you to about HTTP client to communicate with server.
•        What is HTTP Requests
•        How it work
•        How to send requests
•        Adjusting Request Headers
•        How to handle Get and Put Request
•        Catching HTTP Error
•        async with HTTP Requests
•       Usage of HTTP Client and its method.

Node JS

Overview – 
Node.js is a packaged compilation of Google’s V8 JavaScript engine, the libuv platform abstraction layer, and a core library, which is itself primarily written in JavaScript.” Beyond that, it’s worth noting that Ryan Dahl, the creator of Node.js, was aiming to create real-time websites with push capability, “inspired by applications like Gmail”. In Node.js, he gave developers a tool for working in the non-blocking, event-driven I/O paradigm. After over 20 years of stateless-web based on the stateless request-response paradigm, we finally have web applications with real-time, two-way connections.
Module 1 – Introduction to Node JS
Learning Objective:
In this module, you will learn what is Node JS and advantages of Node JS and How Node JS Works and the difference between the traditional web server and what are the limitations of the traditional web server modal.
•       What is Node JS?
•       Advantages of Node JS
•       Traditional Web Server Model
•       Node.js Process Model
•       Usage of Node JS architecture and Server Model.
Module 2 – Setup Dev. Environment
Learning Objective:
In this module, you will learn about the tools required and steps to setup development environment to develop a Node.js application and to work with the REPL to work with the console.
•        Install Node.js on Windows
•        Installing in mac os
•        Working in REPL
•        Node JS Console
•       Node Setup on Dev box and execution of Script using REPL.
Module 3 – Node JS Modules
Learning Objective:
In this module, you will know what is a module, function and example. and achieving modularity and separation of concern with the Node JS Modules.
•       Functions
•       Buffer
•       Module
•       Module Types
•       Core Modules
•       Local Modules
•       Module Exports
•       Familiarity with Node modules and its usage.
Module 4 – Node Package Manager
Learning Objective:
In this module, you will know what is npm and how to install and update packages.
•        What is NPM?
•        Installing packages globally
•        Updating packages
•       Familiarity with npm and its usage.
Module 5 – Creating Web server
Learning Objective:
In this module, you will learn how to create web server, handling GET, POST,PUT and Delete requests and listening to certain port numbers and handling routing with basic web server.
•       Creating web server
•       Handling http requests
•       Sending requests
•       Familiarity with http module and creation of http web server.
Module 6 – File System
Learning Objective:
In this module, you will learn how to use file module, and work with files for different operation like reading, writing, updating files, and the concept of Chunks, buffers, and uploading files synchronously and asynchronously.
• File
•        Writing a File
•        Writing a file asynchronously
•        Opening a file
•        Deleting a file
•        Other IO Operations
•       Familiarity with file module and different operation with files.
Module 7 – Debugging Node JS Application
Learning Objective:
In this module, you will learn how to debug node js application. Debugging is a process
Of tracing the bugs and performance issues to optimize your code.
•       Core Node JS debugger
•       Familiarity with debugger and how to debug node JS application.
Module 8 – Events
Learning Objective:
In this module, you will learn events in Node JS, and the significance of the events, writing your own events because Node is event driven framework.
•        Event Emitter class
•        Returning event emitter
•        Inhering events
•       Familiarity with events and its usage.
Module 9 – Serving Static Resources
Learning Objective:
In this module, you will learn how to serve static html pages to the browser, and serving other file formats and restricting certain files. In this you will to serve static resources with built in middle ware..
•       Serving static files
•       Working with middle ware
•       Familiarity with node-static module and fetching static resources.
Module 9 – Database connectivity
Learning Objective:
In this module, you will learn how to connect to SQL Server and perform CRUD operations. It is like for MS.NET applications and JDBC for java. We will use different Node JS modules to connect with database.
•        Connection string
•        Configuring
•        creation of tables
•        Working with select command
•        Updating records
•        Deleting records
•       Familiarity with sql module and using SQL query.
Module 10 – API Creation
Learning Objective:
In this module, you will learn how to create an API in node having get, post, put and delete method.
•        API Creation
•        Creation of JSON files
•        Get method to fetch data
•        Working with delete, post and put
•       Familiarity with API creation and accessing using postman tool.

Express JS

Overview – 
Express is a fast, assertive, essential and moderate web framework of Node.js. You can assume express as a layer built on the top of the Node.js that helps manage a server and routes. It provides a robust set of features to develop web and mobile applications.
Learning Objective:
In this course, you will be able to build APIs in JavaScript and implement the CRUD (create, retrieve, update, and delete) functionality which forms the backbone of modern-day apps.
•       Introduction to Express JS
•       Express JS – Overview
•       Express JS – Environment
•       Express JS – Hello World
•       Express JS – Routing
•       Express JS – HTTP Methods
•       Express JS – URL Building
•       Express JS – Middleware
•       Express JS – Templating
•       Express JS – Static Files
•       Express JS – Form Data
•       Express JS – Database
•       Express JS – Cookies
•       Express JS – Sessions
•       Express JS – Authentication
•       Express JS – Restful APIs
•       Express JS – Scaffolding
•       Express JS – Error handling
•       Express JS – Debugging
•       Familiarity with API creation and accessing using postman tool.

Mongo DB

Mongo DB is a document-oriented NOSQL database used for high volume data storage. In this course you will learn how Mongo DB can be accessed and some of its important features like indexing, regular expression, sharing data, etc. Mongo DB is a database which came into light around the mid-2000s. It falls under the category of a NOSQL database.
Learning Objective:
•       Understand Mongo as a data store
•       Be comfortable with Mongo’s query and update languages
•       Work with the common use-cases and architectures of Mongo
•       Use Mongo’s built-in JavaScript interpreter
•       Query Mongo using Mongo’s JSON-based query language
•       Index Mongo collections
•       Handle data with Mongo’s built-in Map Reduce capabilities.
•        Introduction to Mongo DB
•        Download and Install Mongo DB on Windows –
•        Mongo DB Create & Insert Database
•        Add Mongo DB Array using insert ()
•        Mongo DB Object ID ()
•        Mongo DB Query Document using find()
•        Mongo DB cursor
•        Mongo DB Query Modifications using limit (), sort()
•        Mongo DB Count() & remove() function
•        Mongo DB Update () Document
•        Mongo DB Indexing, Monitoring & Backup
•        How to Create User in Mongo DB & assign Roles
•        Mongo DB authentication with Kerberos
•        Mongo DB Replica Set
•        Mongo DB Shaded Cluster – Step by Step Implementation
•        Mongo DB Indexing – create Index()
•        Mongo DB Regular Expression (Regex) Tutorial
•        Mongo DB Java
•        Mongo DB Interview Questions & Answers
At the end of KeenSmartz training in Mongo DB developer and administrator, you will be able to:
•        Develop expertise in writing Java and Node JS applications using Mongo DB
•        Master the skills of Replication and Shading of data in Mongo DB to optimize
•        read/write performance
•        Perform installation, configuration, and maintenance of Mongo DB environment
•        Get hands-on experience in creating and managing different types of indexes in
•        Mongo DB for query execution
•        Proficiently store unstructured data in Mongo DB
•        Develop skill sets in processing huge amounts of data using Mongo DB tools
•        Gain proficiency in Mongo DB configuration, backup methods as well as monitoring and operational strategies
•        Acquire an in-depth understanding of managing DB Notes, Replica Sets & Master-Slave concepts